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65) Carve J + L = Love in something 21 Mar 2012

Before I go on to tell the story of how we professed our undying love on the surface of a dead tree, let me first say…..we feel awful. I didn’t think we would, but we do. We thought, at the very least, carving our initials in a dead tree would somehow appease our guilt. But no, we still feel shitty. Which is ironic, right? This was suppose to be a romantic gesture, one of the most clichéd and symbolic gestures of devotion in fact. Where did that even come from? Hollywood? Harlequin? It’s just preposterous.

And you know what….I’ve changed my mind now. I don’t even want to tell this story anymore. Have a look at the photos. It was quick and dirty. A cat harassed us in the process (even he knew we were doing something wrong).

The moral of the story is: If your love is undying, carving your initials in a tree – dead or alive – isn’t going to change that.

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