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191) Dance naked in the rain 25 Jul 2012

The rain! She came. She poured down tonight. Farmers across Southern Ontario are breathing deep sighs of relief, maybe some enthralled in rain dances of their very own? I think in our heads we had planned to do this to-do somewhere out in the bush on a camping trip, in the middle of nowhere. But the rain….she just came. And we had to celebrate.

In case you’re wondering, that’s our back porch. Don’t worry moms, no one was watching. We’re hardly the exhibitionist types (hence the super long exposure/ faux artsy look). I will say that dancing naked in a thunderstorm is something you should definitely do. Recommended for all ages. Invigorating, satisfying on a primal level, belly-laugh hilarious, and just seriously fun. Good for the soul, we think.

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